

The thorn-cut, exhausted, muddy dwarf stumbled through the wilds. Just hours before, Aliz had been merrily chiseling away at the face of the mountain, carving an image of Kogan the Lordaxe to inspire awe throughout the land. The rope had snapped, and he'd fallen through the canopy and vines into the jungles that surrounded his home. Down on the forest floor, the mountains could not be seen, and disoriented by the fall Aliz had quickly become lost.
A form emerged from the behind a gigantic tree trunk. It was a great lumbering beast, somewhat like a dwarf, yet it moved forward using its hands at times as well as its feet, and it was covered in orange fur.
What manner of creature was this? Could it speak?
"Hello, my friend!" Aliz said, raising a hand slowly. "Can you guide me to Ironanvil?"
The beast looked upon him in silence.
"Ironanvil is in the mountains," Aliz formed his arms into a triangle above his head. "The mountains."
The orange creature folded its lips back fully over a portion of its face, and then it stuck out its tongue. The dwarf put a palm to his forehead.
This would be difficult indeed.

courtesy by Tarn Adams from Bay 12. Especially check out Dwarf Fortress, but stay away if you're all for the showy games.

salt peanut

some kind of weekly peanut, just not weekly ... smiling peanut

Nevermind, it's quite hard to find a title for a page which is, when push comes to shove, just another link collection. But hey, from time to time I stumble over a piece of info, mostly in some thread of my favoured boards, which may cover some weird DiabloII stuff I've found interesting enough to give it a honourable mention here.
So here you may find enlightenment to some Sanctuarian mystery, some solid testings, or just some kind of fun.

Sometimes I rearrange the order of links to enhace survey. The list is, however, chronological at most, where 'chronological' is determined by the time I've found the link target, which may be not exactly the time when it was published.

recent peanuts

additional peanuts

sorry about the german text, had no time to translate these as well.

worth a click


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