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Armour Shrines used to act the same way, adding 200% to your final defense rating. What was even cooler is that tagging another one would result in 200% added on top of THAT value. FYI that's nine times your final defense rating. 1) Add up all sources of +defence and armor 2) Multiply defence from (1) by the sum of all skill % and off-item % 3) Apply item_fractionaltarget as additive with step (2) Within most skills you have a value known as skill_armor_percent, which increases your total defense after +% bonuses ON ARMOUR are included. However you sometimes get a value called item_armour_percent (usually associated with summons primarily), which stacks with skill_armour_percent when off-armour (in skills or on weapons), but stacks directly onto the armour itself when it's associated with that using the standard properties. No skills include item_fractionaltarget as their -% def, so what occurs is that it affects the +def% from item_armour_percent and skill_armour_percent, rather than the final total defense. Fractional Target however (the -%def property found on Eth runes and some uniques) affects the total defense of a person, which is cut in half versus Bosses and Players/Mercs. Note that any skill which reduces monster defense doesn't have such a penalty, meaning that a high enough combo of Conviction and Battle Cry for example can reduce the Prime Evil's defense values to 0. _______________________ 2.5.3) Chance, getroffen zu werden / Chance to get hit / CtGH Die Formel ist die gleiche wie die fuer CtH, allerdings wechselt der eigene Standpunkt :-) CtH % = 100 * AR / (AR + DR) * 2 * atLvl / (atLvl + dfLvl) AR Attack Rating DR Defense Rating atLvl Level des Angreifers (attacker level) dfLvl Level des Angegriffenen (defender level). Fuer baseDR ohne Ausstattung gilt als Faustformel baseDR = dex / 4 DR = (baseDR + SummeItemDef) * prozDef SummeItemDef entsteht aus der Addition aller Verteidigungswerte von getragenen Gegenstaenden prozDef ist die Summe prozentualer Verteidigungsboni wie Heiliger Schild / Holy Shield / HS und Trotz / Defiance, sowie prozDef einiger Waffen Solange man rennt, hat der Gegner volle 100% Chance zu treffen, unabhaengig von der atLvl<->dfLvl Ratio! Die Ausweichskills der Amazone werden erst nach der (positiven) CtGH Abfrage und nach der (negativen) Schildblock Abfrage geprueft. Wird also eine Amazone wegen ihrer hohen Verteidigung nicht getroffen oder kann einen Treffer noch mit dem Schild abwehren, so kommen die Ausweicher nicht zum Einsatz. ____________________________ Klakulator

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